Stockport Armed Forces Community Hub
Tuesday 11.00am to 2.00pm
Hazel Grove Civic Hall.
Free drinks and snacks, other food available for small donation
Drop in or Stay Awhile
- Card Games
- Newspapers
- Dominoes
- Scrabble
- Socialise & Chat
- Varied Activities
- Help & Advice
Call, Text or WhatsApp 07895 214250
Stockport Together
In Stockport we provide a range of mental health, learning disability and autism services, and a drug and alcohol service. These aim to help to keep you healthy and maximise your potential.
We work with lots of other organisations to provide you with the best possible care, and we’re part of Stockport Together.
Be kind to your mind:
Make sure you take some time out to rest, away from stressful activities.
Visit the Free, Safe and Anonymous Young Person’s Mental Health Community at

R U Clear
Offers free and confidential Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea postal testing service for people aged 16 to 24 years.
RUclear is run by the NHS, the tests are of a high quality and are FREE.
Further information on how to receive a testing kit. You can request a kit be sent to your home.
Dental Problems
If you are not registered with a dentist and need urgent dental treatment please contact NHS 111 on 111. GPs are not trained to deal with dental problems.